Thursday, July 16, 2009


Every time that I close my eyes
I remember the times that I used to hide
Continuously hoping that you would find me
Waiting for you under our promise tree

The days passed by and my feelings grew
from like to love and that’s all I knew
To be able to spend my time  with you
Considering my parents, they’ll be mad at you

To be able to keep this in my memory
Filling up the pages of my diary
Nothing even matters aside from you
Most especially when you told me  you love me too

I have marked my calendar; September fifteenth
A very special day for both you and me
I was first year high school when this happened
You were my first love, the only thing that mattered

Having each other for four years long,
I never expect us fighting over the phone
I don’t know the reason of the sudden change
That made me decide to quit from your game

Unfortunately, there is something coming
and we have to prepare ourselves for this thing
Graduation day is nearly approaching
and we haven’t talked yet since our conflict thing

To be able to say goodbye to my friends,
my classmates, teachers, and other schoolmates
For not being able to talk to you
This might be the last day for me to see you

I will be living in the state of Colorado
For the sake of studying, that’s all I know
I have to finish as early, as soon as I can
For me to continue the business my father run

Ten years have passed and I have been invited
to an Alumni Homecoming, that’s what they said
So I hurriedly prepared and packed my things
for me to attend, I have to go back to the Philippines

Twenty-fifth of May was the given date
I glanced at my calendar to see what day
Surprisingly, it would be this Saturday
I have to prepare cause it’s only one day away

So here comes the day of the celebration
I rode a taxi, school’s the location
The call time is seven, it’s just six thirty
I guess I have been just so early

Minutes passed, I saw one arriving
A familiar face I have not been seeing
The familiar smile of that crooked look
For me to stand up, that’s out of my book

The very single strand of that hair
Those sparkling eyes that I used to stare
That voice that made me laugh and cry
Recalling the picture of my one true love

His sudden “Hi!” made me shiver
Remembering the details made me weaker
He held my hand and gave a note
plus a bouquet of roses that he had bought

I opened the letter and read it once
Unfortunately, I found myself reading it twice
The note’s having one simple thought
“I still love you”, ends up his note

He hugged me tight in his big arms
Saying, “I’m sorry for what I have don
For not doing anything to get you back
You’re my past, my present, my future life.”

Tears are now falling from my eyes
My heart is melting, still I don’t mind
To have us standing here in front
Confessing his love despite the crowd

“I’ve waited for this day”, he once told me
“For me to see you, to set both of us free
But I’ve changed my mind the time I saw you
I don’t want to leave you, forever I’ll love you.”

He held my hand and present a ring
Insert it to my finger and he began to sing
“I never believed in destiny before
but I promise to love you forevermore”

We have each other for ages now
I don’t want to end the story but now’s the time
We won’t end because we have eternity
Presenting you the pages of my diary

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fairy Tales

I’ve been exposed to love stories on televisions and on the streets

on books and on those novels, on fairy tales and on poems

How tragic it is for Rose and Jack to end up in that situation way back?

To lack the strength to save your love

watching the Almighty take him back

How lucky it is for little Bella to be with her one true love

To be with Edward despite one fact,

that they share one forbidden love

How sweet it is for Belle and Beast to have shared one unconditional love

To have their feelings despite those looks

an unusual situation because of rules

How am I going to find my prince,

if I’m not Aurora, the one who sleeps?

Or the poor Cinderella, the lucky maid?

Or even Snow White whom the dwarves have cared?

Is it really possible to have one true love in this big world of truths and lies?

Will this curse be despelled for me to find,

the unconditional love from the prince I love?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Less but More

I want to treat you in a special way
You’re more than a friend, like I always say
Trust me, this is really what I feel
Don’t doubt me, believe in what you hear

Sorry for giving you double thoughts
For treating you like were not yet close
For making you regret the way you feel
For giving you headaches by being mean

But still I want to thank you
For not giving up on me, how nice of you!
For giving me the options to walk with you
For asking me to have lunch with you

For the times you chose to stay with me
For the times you asked me how I feel
For the texts I received that came from you
Asking if I’m fine though you know I do

But please understand that I’m not the expressive type
Cause this world is harsh that’s why I hide
Some people might not have the guts to understand
That’s what I think, the things on my mind

Just don’t easily quit on me, consider that
I maybe bitter, please try to understand
I like to try but please give me time
You’re less than a boyfriend, yet way more than a friend

Monday, July 13, 2009

Long Lost Star

The rain’s falling, thunder’s rumbling but still my heart is beating

Seeing you smile, hearing speak eases the pain that I have inside

The trees are swaying, people’s laughing but why does everything seem blue?

My eyes are crying, my head’s turning seeing her turn her back on you

I don’t know what’s happening

Please tell me, I’m listening

I want to know all the reasons why my world’s incomplete without your smile

Tell me why, Tell me now

Are you my long lost star?

Look at me and hold me tight

Tell me why this seem so right

My heart is pounding and I’m rejoicing having you stay here by my side

Holding your hand, Hugging you tight calms the cries of this aching heart

Tell me now all the reasons why

I have this feeling once in a whole

Can you consider my feelings now?

Can you be my long lost star?